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EOY Party, Pic Sharing, County Results!


County Meet Results:

WOW, we had an amazing county meet! So many time drops and a few team records, AND we got 13th place overall! That is the highest we have placed in over a decade, possibly ever (still checking records to verify). This is a huge honor for…

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County Team Info - Please Read


  • Gio De La Peña’s Phone Number - (770) 710-1641
  • Jenna De La Peña’s Phone Number - (770) 710-1642

I am leaving these numbers here should you run into any questions or situations at county. Please note, we will both be on deck: Coach Jenna is in charge of all…

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Meet #5 Pics


Please use the link below to access the pictures from Jenna Wade Photography from this last meet!

Meet #5 Pics

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County Merchandise PreSale- Ends Tomorrow!

Sorry Waverunners,

Seeding county is taking longer than expected, but as we do so please take a look at the County Merchandise! Presale ends tomorrow night, and sales are limited onsite! 

2024 County Merchandise Pre Sale

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County Top 124 & County Championship Info - PLEASE READ


If you have a swimmer on this list or know that your swimmer has been swimming on an A relay, please ensure you RSVP for County! We will begin the process today to finalize our county team based on the following criteria:

  • Swimmers in Top 50 who RSVP…
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Meet #5 - Team Win!



Lots of personal bests today! I appreciate the team sportsmanship we displayed throughout the meet, I know that it can be hard when calls do not go our way, but you guys showed class while we continued to swim and get the Win!

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Meet #5 Info!


We made it, the last meet of the year! As always, the heat sheet is attached and is on the SwimTopia app. PLEASE have your events written down ahead of time!

Theme - Eras/Decade Night! We will be celebrating the Eras Tour for all of our Swifties, or decades…

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Week 4 Top 99


Here is a new report from the league, Top 99. This is to help you gauge how close you are to a county cut and if you potentially may be included in the meet.

Thank you, remember to RSVP for both meets by tomorrow night!

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Week 4 Top 75 & County Meet RSVP


Please check this week's Top 75 which are attached below and can be found on our website. I combined the individual and relay PDF for ease of use.

ACTION REQUIRED by SUNDAY NIGHT: We need ALL Waverunners to RSVP for BOTH this week's meet against North Forke Plantation

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Meet #4 Results & Pics


Great team win last night to get us to 4-0! 

We are super proud of each of you, it is awesome seeing our kids trying new events, improving, and participating in all the fun times during the meet!

Meet Pictures - password "waverunners". Thank you to our alumn photographer…

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