RSVP for meet #1 due TODAY
We all swimmers to declare if they will be attending the swim meet next Thursday. (*lesson kids see below). Click on RSVP button (picture attached) for the meet desired and then EDIT (gray box below swimmers list). Undeclared means no response has been posted. RSVPs close the friday before the meet. If you can, make life easier by RSVPing for all of the meets now.
**Lesson kids- only those who can swim a lap unassisted will be allowed to swim in the meet. Many teams hold a bubble heat before the meet starts so that our littlest team mates can have a taste of the action. We do not know yet if this team offers that, we'll likely find out Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. IF you think you want your child to participate, RSVP them as yes and make a note to coach that they are an assisted swim. Once I know what is offered, I'll touch base with those families to let them know. IF you ONLY have lesson kids and no older swimmers in the meet, I would recommend that you not come to an away meet.
Please feel free to contact Kari if you have any further questions. [email protected]