
Schedule for week of 05/22


Monday 05/22Time Trials/RSVP for first meet dueWaterton Pool 6 PM
Tuesday 05/23Spirit Night (no practice)Bruster’s in Grayson
Wednesday 05/24No Practice—————————
Thursday 05/251st Day of AM PracticeSee below for times
Friday 05/26AM Practice/First MeetMeet at Waterton Pool/see below for reporting times

Time Trials:

Please report by 5:15 if you are volunteering to help set up and be ready, all swimmers report by 5:30 for a warm ups at 5:30. If we still need volunteers please consider helping, we heavily rely on volunteers, especially if you have taken the stroke and turn judge training.

Bruster’s Spirit Night:

No practice this day, we just want to have a laid back time with some ice cream and enjoy everyone getting to know each other. 6-9 PM. Make sure to let them know you are with us if you purchase any ice cream :). 

Wednesday - no practice:

We always give this day off to help everyone with the last day of school and to get ready for morning practices :)

AM Practices:

Starting Thursday, we will go to our morning practices. This week we will do them on Thursday and Friday. We will not have it on Memorial Day, but we will start that Tuesday after the holiday on our Monday-Thursday schedule. See the schedule below as a refresher:

TimePractice Group
7-8 AM15 & Up
8-9 AM13-14
9-9:45 AM11-12
11-11:306 & Under independent swimmers
11:30-126 & Under lessons

First Swim Meet vs Snellville SuperSonics:

We need everyone to RSVP for the first swim meet by Monday, 05/22! To do this, you can simply click on the swim meet on either the calendar widget or on the calendar tab select the event and follow the prompts if you are doing this form a PC, or from the mobile app on your home screen you can scroll down and click on the event under upcoming events and follow the prompts from there. You do not have to identify what events you will do if you are not sure yet, we can handle that from our coaches and they can contact you if necessary. Especially for our new swimmers who are still learning the strokes, please allow the coaches to contact with you first regarding what to swim. Just let us know if you will be present or not. I would say to plan to arrive by 5 PM for the 6 PM swim meet to beat the rush for parking and be ready for warmups. I will send out a more detailed email for the swim meet on Tuesday.


  • Please make sure swimmers have goggles, swim caps, and water at each practice. We will be giving out team shirts and caps this week, but it is recommend that each swimmer have at least 2 swim caps and 2 goggles with them in their bag. It is extremely difficult for them to learn to swim or compete without these basic equipment needs. Reach out if you need help finding which to buy
  • As coaches are actively coaching please refrain from engaging with your child in the pool. We need their focus on our coaches as they are learning. Coach Jenna, Zach, Anna, and Harrison have ample experience teaching young people to swim, and they can very easily ask for assistance from you should the situation arise. Thank you for understanding.
  • Please ensure there is a responsible adult in the vicinity of the pool during practice for each swimmer, we have had some of our friends try to skip practice or get confused when they can’t find their parent or ride. 

I know that I am long winded and I appreciate your attention to each of these emails. My goal is to get you as much precise information each time I reach out to help you. As parents, Coach and I understand we all have very busy schedules and need the information there to help us plan out our week. Do not be shy to reach out with questions, we want everyone to be as stress free as possible about swim and our team! Looking forward to a great week of swim activities as we get ready for our first meet!

Gio De La Peña

[email protected] 

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