First Practice is TOMORROW!! All fees must be paid and required forms must be turned in before your swimmer will be allowed to enter the pool. We will be checking in swimmers before they will be allowed to enter the pool deck. If possible, please plan to come early to allow for check in process. We have many, many swimmers who are not yet cleared to swim.
To be cleared your swimmer needs:
1. Completed liability and concussion form. It would be helpful if you print the 2016 GCSL Waiver (attached) home and bring with you. We will only have a limited amount on hand.
2. Copy of Birth Certificate along with original. We will keep copy and verify the original. This is required for any swimmer who did not swim in the Gwinnett County Swim League in 2015.
3. Registration Fees and Volunteer Fees PAID IN FULL. Checks made out to WCA
The after school practice schedule will be as follows:
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. High School
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Elementary A -- Trip Elementary, Starling Elementary, Home Schoolers
5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Elementary B -- Grayson Elementary, Cooper Elementary, and any other school not mentioned above
5:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Middle School
PLEASE NOTE: due to the nature of our practices and limited staff, swimmers are only to swim with their respected age groups. Siblings waiting for their practice times to start are expected to be supervised by an adult as per WCA pool rules. Coaches will not be supervising unattended swimmers.
We have many new families. We would like to welcome you! The Team Manual (attached) may answer many questions. Please introduce yourself tomorrow and let us know if you need any additional information.
We look forward to seeing you and your swimmers at the pool!!
Kari and Krista
Waterton Waverunners Swim Council
2016 GCSL Liability Waiver Concussion Awareness FormsTeam Manual PDF