
Meet Thursday - please read!

Hi Waverunners!

​Ready for our first home meet this Thursday?  Plan to arrive at 4:30 and sign in - both swimmers and volunteers.  There are still a few volunteer spots to be filled.  Remember each family is to volunteer for 4 half meets.


Also - please remember to bring your drinks for concessions.  Please bring either a 12 pack of coke, diet coke, sprite, etc. or gatorade.  You can bring these during practice this week and stack them in the shed or clubhouse.


For future meets - please list the swimmer's name on the RSVP button if you will NOT be attending a meet.  Also, for swim requests you can email Coach Scott at [email protected].


There will be NO PARKING signs on one side of the street leading to the pool. We must leave one side open for safety in case an emergency vehicle needs to get through. Please abide by these signs or your vehicle will be towed.


Taylor Burney is still missing her swim suit.  If you have taken it by mistake, please return it to her file in the clubhouse.




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