
Newsplash 6/24

Our meet this week is at Mountain Park Aquatic Center located at 1063 Rockbridge Road  Stone Mountain, GA 30087. Since it is a public facility, it will be a little different. They have 8 lanes, so we need volunteers. Please go online and sign up! Please see below for important information from the other team:

You can begin arriving at 6:00.  I will have the heat sheets for sale for $2.00 at that time and the swimmers and families can get themselves together with that part.  We cannot go down the stairs until 6:30.  There is an area outside and to the right of the lobby to congregate if you want to stay together.  It is shady and there are benches there.  Our workers will be in and out of the lobby doors getting things set up and public swimmers will be leaving at the same time.  It looks hectic for a few minutes until the public swimmers are gone, but then it turns into a regular swim team event and we will have a blast!
After 4 years, it is about time for new team leadership. Margie, Alaina, and I will commit to another if we have some parents willing to shadow us to assume the role of Waterton Council Members. 1 can do it, but it is a huge commitment and runs much better if a group of 2-4 parents work together! We have divided the duties and it is manageable. Monthly council meetings begin in January. Please consider this opportunity and let us know if you are interested. We will be happy to discuss it further and provide more details. We must have at least one person in the neighborhood to serve on the board.
Based on team opinion, our last meet will be on Monday, July 2nd at Waterton. If this changes your RSVP status, please go online and make the appropriate changes.

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